Virtual or reality?

Last year around this time I sat at Urban Air in Springfield watching my boys play a battle game with VR Headsets. As I sat there, I thought it was a bit comical that they were standing in the middle of a clear area with weapons in hand shooting all around them at what seemed to be invisible. Which lead me to think a bit deeper, about how only the boys could see clearly the enemy that they were fighting because they had on their VR headsets.
With everything that has been going on in our world over the past year and a half it is easy to aim our weapons at the targets we can see in the physical realm.
However, I can’t help but think that we need to be more like the boys with their VR Headsets. We might look a bit funny to those around us but we need to clearly see WHAT it is that we are fighting and use the weapons and armor given to fight EFFECTIVELY.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Author Amanda Wilson